Ragnarok V: Returns is the fifth installment of one of the most popular MMORPGs of all time where you return to this charming world of fantasy alongside your friends. As is typical for this genre, your final objective is to save humanity from the dark forces lurking all over the map... but along the way, you can do much, much more.
In Ragnarok V: Returns, you can customize your character before you begin playing. When it comes to creating your avatar, there's a wide range of options at your disposal. You can choose from more than 50 types of mercenaries in total, which of course you can also customize to your heart's content with endless accessories.
As discerning gamers are sure to notice, the controls are the same as in the mobile version, which is the main version. You can play with your keyboard, gamepad, or even with a touch screen if your computer has it. Move freely through the scenarios with the virtual D-pad on the left side of the screen while interacting with objects by hitting the buttons on the right.
Ragnarok V: Returns takes you back to the Ragnarok universe for exciting adventures where you'll need non-stop attacks to complete each mission. Unlock characters of different classes and tons of attacks until you're strong enough to defeat any enemy who dares to get in your way.
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